High ISO, Why Not?

by - 11:41:00 AM

We use very high ISO (above 800) when we face the condition such as : when the light source is very gloomy, when we need high shutter speed, when we don't want to turn on the flash, and when we don't bring tripod The biggest concern when we increase above 800 is the noise appearance, the little black spot that usually comes up at the result photo. 

But don't worry , you don't have to so worry about 'noise'. There are good reasons to make you calm down even you use high ISO in photoshoot. Here we go: 

1. Camera technology Outgrowth

Almost all new generation Digital SLR Camera feature 'noise reduction' technology that very reliable, we can shoot until ISO 1800and the result is quite good. All i know, almost all camera from Nikon or Canon in beginner until Advanced class are very good to reduce the noise that appear from High ISO using. Moreover some good quality pocket camera such as Panasonic LX3 ( or the new one LX5) adjust 'noise reduction' which is very good.

2. Noise Reduction Software

If your camera don't feature shophisticated noise reduction technology, you can use noise reduction software in your computer. The software such as : Noise Ninja, Noiseware or Dfine is very effective to reduce noise from photo easily and quickly.

3. Some Noises is Good!

Yap, moreover when you don't have camera with sophisticated noise reduction technology and you don't wanna use noise reduction software , but don't worry. We don't have to always reduce the noise. Sometimes with noise the photo looks more artistic.

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