Holding Digital SLR Camera Techniques Like a Pro

by - 9:44:00 PM
     There are many basic things and simple but precisely you don’t know properly because you think that it’s simple to learn and it doesn’t matter that we pass it. The most important thing in photography isn’t  only how shopisticated  your camera or how great your editing skill but also how to holding camera properly, moreover we holding quite heavy Digital SLR camera. 
     When camera shaking little bit, it influence the depth of field in photographs. With the good technique we can reduce the wobble ,so it can produse more depth photo. So let’s take a look some technique and follow the instructions bellow:

1. Elbows press the body
     Left hand holding the camera, while fingers holding the grip of zoom lens. Right hand holding the camera shutter, in this position right hand have function to set the camera setting. Both of elbows pressing the body, this posisiton have fuction to make camera doesn’t shake too much, because there’s pedestal on your body. Make sure this position guides you to the object that we will take.

2. Make Pedestal on Lef hand
    The right hand holding camera, prepare your point finger for the shutter, while the other fingers holding tight the camera body, lef hand position is horizontal as pedestal of camera lens, so the camera doesn’t shake.  Usually this technique is used if you will using slow speed like when you shoot landscape.

3. Both of Elbow as Pedestal

    Left hand holding lens and the fingers on whorl lens, right hand holding the shutter to set the camera. If you see on the right picture, that is wrong position in holding where the pedestal only on left hand, this mistake oftenly happen even by professional photographers.

 4.       Sawhorse

Not only in fighting we have to prepare the good sawhorse, but also in photography. The good sawhorse make the camera is not easy to shake or more stable.

 5.      Use your legs as pedestal on low or squat position.

  The thing that you have to remember, you legs must be use as pedestal so that the camera doesn’t shake, and shoot the depth/sharp photos.

 6.    Use the stuffs around to increase stability

   If you’re shooting in outdoor, you can use any stuffs that exist around you as pedestal, such as : wall, car, tree, electric pole, and etc.

7.      Holding camera in prone position

       To Increase esenttial and vale of art when shooting, aometimes you need more angle like prone ( frog angle) . Use your elbow as pedestal to make camera more stable, don’t use your body as pedestal because sometimes your body can shaking if too long in this position.

images source : Antslearning

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