Histogram Concept in Photography and How to Read It

by - 9:05:00 AM
Histogram Concept
      Maybe the Histogram is one of the photography concepts that is very confusing, However undersanding histogram concept is the most important thing when you want to fully understanding about digital photography. When you can read the histogram from the photo, we can know  that is the photo has suitable exposure or not, is the photo has intense or flat lights, and in the end we can determine the most suitable editing techique for the current photo.

     Allright, this is the basic concept : a photo consist of many pixels and every pixel has color element which is produced by combination of many colors : Red-Green and Blue (RGB). Each RGB color has bright-dark level that has value 0 untill 255. When we shoot a photo, computer or processor in digital camera will read the bright-dark value (tonal) which is 0 untill 255. The result of description representated in the chart form, and this chart  is called histogram. 

How to read Histogram?
          Look at chart above. How to read is our eyes move from left to right. This Chart represent of bright-dark level from each pixel. In the end of left chart represent pure black, in the end of  middle chart represent  grey (midtones) meanwhile the end of right chart represent of pure white. In one point, the chart high represent how many pixels in that tone.

        Because the left area represent of dark/ black, it means that our foto tend to dark (low key) so the histogram will tend to high on left area. If the photo tend to bright (high key), then the Histogram tend to high in the right area.

       The good thing when we have digital camera is  we can know the histogram value directly just after you’ve done take shoot. Therefore we can directly know the tonal quality ( bright-dark level) of our photo is suitable with what we want or not yet. For example when you shoot photo object and from histogram you’ve seen that the chart gathered in right area, you can say : “ Oh, this photo will tend to overeposed” and it reverse.

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