Aperture and Depth of Field

by - 9:13:00 PM

          Everytimes we talk about photography and camera, the words "Aperture and Depth of Field" will appear oftenly. In this article, i will try to help you to understand about Aperture and Depth of Field , so  you can easy to understand obviously as beginner photographer.

Understanding Aperture
       The definition of Aperture is the measure how  wide of lens when it's opening ( lens Aperture) when we are taking the picture.
           When we are pressing the shutter button, the hole in front of camera censor will open, the aperture setting that decide how wide of  this hole will open. More wide the hole , more lights that will come and written by the camera censor.
          The Aperture can be called as f-stop unit. Oftenly we read the term as Aperture 5.6. In Photography terms, it's more official called by term "f/5.6". Like explanation above , the main function of aperture is as contoller of how much much the wide of hole in fornt of censor that was opened. More small the number of f-stop , more wide this hole will open ( and more lights volume that will come) and its reverse, more high of  f-stop numbers more small the number  will open.
          In reality, the aperture setting in f2.8 it means that the aperture more high than  f/22 , for example ( you will find the term “fully open” oftenly, if you hear photographer talks). More Wide the  aperture,  it means  that  the number of “f” is smaller and smaller.  More small the  Aperture, it means that  the number of “f” is higher and higher.
Understanding The Depth of  Field
          Depth of field-DOF, is the size of how far the focus area in the picture. The wide Depht of fields (DOF) ,  it means taht most of the parts in photo objects ( from nearest to farthest object in the camera frame) will looks sharp dan focus. Meanwhile the shallow DOF, it means that only parts of object on only certain points will sharp meanwhile the rest will blurred/unfocused.
To get wider DOF , set the aperture in small number, example f-22 ( more small aperture,  more large the focus area)- look at example picture above. Meanwhile to get shallow DOF, use aperture as large as possible , example f/2.8- loo at example picture bellow.
Concept of this Depth of field will useful especially in portrait photography dan macro photography, but in fact all specializations will need that concept.

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